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"Speed limits are a distraction from road safety."

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M.A.G.The Leading Body Campaigning on Behalf of Motorcyclists in the UK

The Motorcycle Action Group (M.A.G.) is a politically neutral group who represent motorcycle riders (and all two wheel users) rights and freedom to ride what they want, and to modify his/her machine as they see fit. They have full time members of staff who monitor the government constantly for legislation that might affect motorcyclists. Quite often they are consulted by government having built up some respect in political circles as to knowing what they are talking about. If you ride on two wheels and aren’t already a member, join. They have already saved you from compulsory leg protectors, which they proved independently would have caused more injury than prevent and lots of other lunacy to numerous to mention. Follow the link for more details about membership benefits’ including insurance deal’s and discounts to members.

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This page modified. 16/02/14