Hattie Ann Taylor

Born 05:46 hrs 17th January 2013.
Weighing 4 pounds 10 oz. (2.12kg)

Newest photos at the top.

[Oval portrate ]
[walking in blue suit] [lying on lawn] [in sun hat] [sitting on bench with Dad]

[2nd Birthday Tea] [Hattie with bow in hair] [Hattie whearing party dress] [Hattie outside wraped up] [Hattiein ball pool] [Hattie and Dad outside] [Hattieon Sabrinas knee] [Hattie and Bell on motorbike] [Hattie playing with Legion Band] [Hattie in chair] [Hattie withh dafodils] [Hattie Looking up] [Hattie in Bouncer] [Hattie in pram]

1st Birthday

[Hattie 1st Birthday end of day sleep ] [Hattie 1st Birthday cards] [Hattie 1st Birthday] [Hattie 1st Birthday group ] [Hattie 1st Birthday T] [Hattie Smilling on her first Birthday]
[Hattie sleeping ] [Hattie in Quinne ] [Hattie asleep on Sabrina ] [Hattie smiling] [Hattie in tasting] [Hattie watching tv] [Hattie Sat up ] [Sabrina and Hattie looking at each other, black and white] [Self and Hattie, black and white] [Sabrina and Hattie sat on step] [Happy Hattie ] [Hattie with book ] [Hattie in pink dress lying in pram] [Hattie in pink dress lying in pram looking to the side] [Hattie, [Hattie in butterfly dress] [Hattie sat on chop with self] [Quinn holding Hattie looking at each other] [Mum holding Hattie ] [Mum holding Hattie] [my Dad holding Hattie] [my Dad holding Hattie ] [Hattie Sleeping] [Hattie Sleeping] [Quinn holding Hattie] [My self and Hattie ] [Ferrit, Sabrina and Hattie ] [Hattie Sleeping 1 hour old] [Hattie in green cardigan ] [Sabrina with Hattie on bed]

This page modified. 27/08/15