
[Pip asleep in his basket ]

This is one well rescued dog. He's called Pip (as neer as we can tell he's a Whipit, Manchester terrer mongrel) and I got him in November 2000.

[Pip scoffing first meal ]
[Pip in front of blazing fire  ]

He'd been in the pound for 2 years as he was a bit of a handful but after a couple of months work he was fine. Now he's settled very well into fine living and a coal fire.

[Pip lying in field ]
[Pip up to belly in water ]

I've being trying to get him used to water. So far he's only happy going up to his belly and isn't convinced about swimming yet, but considering he wouldn't even cross a puddle or stream when I got him, he's doing well.

[Happy Pip ]

Sadly old age caught up Pip and he had to be put to sleep on the 2 June 2008, at home in his own bed with me and Sabrina by his side.

[Pip lying on grass ]
[Pip sitting in baskit  ]

He had been going down hill for a while, he was falling over a lot of the time, and his back end was shaking as a result of nerve deterioration, we had to carry him out most of the time for a wee, but his belly still worked! The vet said it was the nerves going, they didn’t think he was in pain, however when he could no longer hold himself up to eat we decided it was best that we let him go for a big sleep.

[Pip sat in my flat ]
[Pip, Crafty, Quinn & self sat on stone seat sculptior  ]

[Initials monogram ]

This page updated.. 07/08/08